Smoothly simulates 100+ bodies of different masses affecting each other with gravitational forces
Each body has its own mass, position, velocity, and acceleration
Note that the simulation is at a 5x time scale
Instantly add pre-made initial conditions like elliptical orbits, resonant orbits, binary star systems, and randomly initialized bodies
Add a body by simply clicking the simulation area to set position, mass, and initial velocity
Or if you want to add a body more precisely, use the 'Add a Body' form on the right side of the page.
Clear all bodies with the 'Clear All Bodies' button
Or delete an individual body by right-clicking it
Move the camera with WASD and zoom in/out with +/-
Reset the camera zoom and position with the 'Reset Camera' button
Focus on a body by left-clicking it. To unfocus on it and reenter free camera mode, left-click the focused body.
Pause and play the simulation or step frame-by-frame
Use checkboxes to control whether acceleration and velocity vectors, debug information, or a path trace are drawn.